Sunday, December 18, 2011

HANNAH:Monday Dec 12th---"The Plane Ride"

Aiden and I waiting to get in the car to begin our adventure.
Leaving Utah
I had just got home from school I had really sore legs from the walk home that day.  My mum was cooking dinner for the very long trip we ate  pasta lots and lots of  yummy pasta.  My nana came over to drive us to the air port. She handed each of us a present. I got a coloring book, a coloring pad, journal and a coloring contest. My sister Caitlyn got a  coloring book , journal,and flash cards.We finely got in my grandma's car it had a TV inside it.We watched fraggle rock and the twelve dancing princeses.We drove up. We drove down. We drove left .  We drove right, and we finely got to Vegas.  Now all we had to do was find the right airport. We drove around  few times and then we found it.  It was raining, about to snow. Mum says it doesn't snow in Vegas but I think it was close.

Aiden and I waiting in the airport chairs
We ran into the airport.When we finely got inside the airport our plane was called Korean air we got in  line to weigh our bags.They started to weigh our bags.Me, my mum and caitlyn sat down on a bench waiting for my dad . He was still in line.when they were done weighing our bags we sat down in seats . My baby brother aiden was very tired  . But we had to keep him awake right now or he'll cry the whole flight . We finely get on the plain first class looked nice, very nice. It had huge chairs all to one person. There were big seats on the left and the right and a big tv to your self . But we wern't in first class but we had nice chairs too . We  got food on the plane I loved the orange juice. We had a midnight dinner, I had a TV all to myself so I watched some smurfs, it was after midnight so I finally snuggled up to my mum and went to sleep. Sleeping makes the trip go faster. When I woke I was still on the plane, they gave us breakfast, it was huge.
I had a window seat at first.
First Stop  Korea

You can see some hello kitty's here
We finally arrived in Korea. It was 5am in Korea, not many stores were open but we walked around the airport while we waited for our next flight. There were lots of Hello Kitty. My cousin Olivia loves hello kitty, the man in the store wouldn't let us take a picture though, sorry olivia.
We had to go through security all over again. Every time you get on a plane they check your bags and clothes to make sure you aren't dangerous. My mum said it is so people won't bring dangerous things on the flight and to protect us, its not fun waiting in lines though.

Here is a picture of me in the Korean airport. There were lots of pretty pictures, It looks like a beautiful country. Maybe next time we can stay and have a look.
This is showing some art in the Korean Museum
After another 10 hour flight we then flew over Japan, over the top of Australia, over the Great Barrier Reef, past Brisbane.. and finally we arrived in Sydney Australia. I felt relief and good that we finally got off the plane. I saw the opera house as we flew in. It was 8pm, night time and all the city lights were on. It was pretty, I liked the tall buildings. When the lights were on they looks like big flash lightsIt was so cool.we stayed the night at a hotel our room was on floor 36 it was realy high ! we found our room it was realy nice. IIII loved it no more flying till the next day. We were  excited but so tired and stinky so we showered and went to bed.
High in the sky at our sydney hotel


  1. have fun on your next flight! love BECCA.
    have so much fun from lia.

  2. Hannah, you did such a great job writing this post!! I hope your having fun in Australia. We sure miss you! We love you!
