Monday, December 26, 2011

Caitlyn: Day 1 "Kookaburra, Kangaroos, The Warf and Shell Collecting"

Our first morning we went to the bakery for breakfast mum, nana suzanne, Hannah and I went down to explore the beach and shops, they had a swiss bakery and we stopped for some goodies.. mmmm. we strawberry and caramel tarts and an apple turnover to take back to my dad. I was excited to visit there alot during our stay.

When my dad was eating his apple turnover he wandered in to the bush in the back yard, there are lots of kookaburras and kangaroos. There were some in the yard and he tried to get close to them, they hopped away pretty fast.

The Warf
My cousins came over to play and we went out to explore this town Tathra more. We went to the warf, it was big, I watched my dad climb down a ladder and touch the water, he said it was cold.

 I love hanging out with my cousin Ellie.
It was lunch time so we had fish and chips on the beach, and ginger beer. I looooove fish and chips. I love the food in Australia.
Ginger Beer

we went and collected shells and found a piece of jelly fish... it was just like a lump of jelly.
Collecting shells with my cousin Ellie

 Jelly fish time

After we got home I had some dinner and fell asleep. Everyone had dessert without me.

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