Monday, December 26, 2011

Aiden: Dec12th - "Its Hard Being this cute"

Well where to start. I began my travels with my nana, parents and sisters. We were heading for a 2 1/2 hour drive.. 2 hours wait at the airport and 26 hour flight through Korea, Over Japan and down the east Australian Coast... thats a long way for a little bloke like me... did you think this story would have a happy ending?
Well the ending is happy, and I met many new people .. just a little rough in the middle.
Our journey began late at night... wayyyyy past my bedtime. I decided to let my family know of my dissaproval of this upset in my schedule, so I screamed nearly the entire way to Vegas, yes... screamed a long blood curdling, mouth gurgling and sweat inducing scream. It was great, I was pretty pooped and finally fell asleep in the car.. in my defense it is difficult to sleep peacefully with fraggle rock playing on the DVD player.
So.. where was I .. oh yes I fell asleep.. and then they woke me again, yes you heard me, woke me again, the nerve.. don't these people learn their lesson?!!!
So I made my mum stand, we had a deal going, she would stand and rock me, and I wouldn't cry, fairs fair right?
My laying with my fuzzy blanket on the Vegas Airport chair. Hannah was trying to keep me happy
While we waited at the airport, a nice Japanese lady started chatting to me and playing peek-a-boo.  she also waved her hands around alot.. how did she know I loved people flapping hands in my face I don't know! So I smiled back, alot! What can I say, a face this cute was made to smile!.

They finally let us on the flight, as soon as we walked into the plane entrance a bunch of stewardesses gasped and gooed.... why don't I get this reaction at home? I could see I was in good hands.

We sat down in our chairs... I was ropable, I thought mum and I had a deal, so I screamed.. "THE" scream. well those little ladies came rushing over --awesome! My mum stood up and that was it.. I had fought it long enough, I could feel my eyes rolling in the back of my head.. it was time to sleep.

Me strapped into my little boppy and blanket cocoon. I slep with the blanket over my eyes so the lights wouldn't bother me
Next thing I knew I was waking up strapped into my boppy, not a bad way to wake up, I played a bit until we landed in Korea.
more waiting.. my mum rubbed my peach fuzz head and said this was the last part of our flying today... Great.
Me sleeping with a blanket over my eyes again.

Once again, I was treated to a captive audience of stewardesses, (sweet) after a little nap I was kidnapped into the arms of one of my stewardess friends, my mum rubbed her back and arm muscles while I chit chatted to my new friend (let's face it.. I'm no light weight -- it wsn't my fault my mum forgot to bring hte stroller).
Later on after when my mum was trying to get me back to sleep (why sleep when there are so many lights to stare at?) a little korean lady came over and started chatting... fun! then she took me from my mum... (waiiiit a minute) then she started rocking me, it appeared they were ganging up on me to put me to sleep, hummmm. Pretty soon she was walking all over the plane with me, I have no idea who she was or what she was saying to me, but she was nice.. she patted my tooshi and sung me lullaby's with words I don't know, took the bottle from my mums hands and fed me, whoever she was she had done this before!
I woke up later in my bassinet.. dog nab it.. she had gotten me asleep, that lady was good!
Me and My Nana Suzanne.
And here I am.. in Australia!

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