Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hannah: Day 2 "Fish n' Chips and Shell Collecting"

It was a beautiful morning, nice and sunny. 
After brekkie Liam and Ellie cam over, we played a bit and then headed out to have lunch and look at more beaches. We went to the fish n' chip shop for fresh fried fish and chips.
I am trying "Bundaberg Ginger Beer" with my Fish and Chips
 It was yummy. While we waited in the park for them to call our order number uncle Richard climbed a pine tree to get pine cones for us.
Uncle Rick up the tree.. it won't let me turn the picture.. so turn your head

We went up the coast a little and found a spit.

A "spit" is the part of land where the rivers come out and meet the sea.
Liam and I running across the spit

We collected sea shells, there were many different kinds, I love collecting shells.
We spent the whole afternoon at the beach even though there wasn't much sun and it was a little cold.

We found lots of interesting and colourful stripey shells

walking across the spit to a little sand island.

Collecting shells with Caitlyn and Ellie
Our favorite way to have beans.

We went back to nana susans and had a big dinner of stuffed pasta shells and proscuitto wrapped homegrown beans.
Oysters before they are grilled and opened

 and lots and lots of oysters that we grilled.

Oysters after they are cooked with asian sauce and fresh herbs
Liam testing an oyster
All the grown ups ate the oysters we just had a taste.
Elli trying an oyster
Stuffed Pasta, YUM!
We were so tired cate fell asleep before everyone.

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