Monday, December 26, 2011

Aiden: "Early Morning Strolls"

Waiting in the garden at sunrise for my mum to take me on a beach walk
I discovered my first morning that I am sharing a room with my parents, do you know how much fun it is waking up and seeing your parents sleeping soundly? So I chatted to them... I discovered that my mum will take me on walks to the beach when I start chatting... something about letting everyone else sleeping at 6:00am.

So here I am on one of my walks, we usually took Russell with us, he likes the walks as much as me.  We walk down the street , down some fun steep stairs and there we are at the beach. My mum has to carry me in one arm and the stroller in the other up and down these stairs... she says the work out is good for her, I don't know why she huffs and puffs when it's pretty easy.. all I do is sit in the stroller or hang on to her like a koala.

We walk past the chemist... it had lots of Aussie hats in it, and also the Swiss bakery, and the fish and chip shop, yes all the important shops
We see lots of pretty australian native flowers and birds

I am so happy from all the sun and ocean air that I sometimes fall asleep on the walk home.

Caitlyn: Day 1 "Kookaburra, Kangaroos, The Warf and Shell Collecting"

Our first morning we went to the bakery for breakfast mum, nana suzanne, Hannah and I went down to explore the beach and shops, they had a swiss bakery and we stopped for some goodies.. mmmm. we strawberry and caramel tarts and an apple turnover to take back to my dad. I was excited to visit there alot during our stay.

When my dad was eating his apple turnover he wandered in to the bush in the back yard, there are lots of kookaburras and kangaroos. There were some in the yard and he tried to get close to them, they hopped away pretty fast.

The Warf
My cousins came over to play and we went out to explore this town Tathra more. We went to the warf, it was big, I watched my dad climb down a ladder and touch the water, he said it was cold.

 I love hanging out with my cousin Ellie.
It was lunch time so we had fish and chips on the beach, and ginger beer. I looooove fish and chips. I love the food in Australia.
Ginger Beer

we went and collected shells and found a piece of jelly fish... it was just like a lump of jelly.
Collecting shells with my cousin Ellie

 Jelly fish time

After we got home I had some dinner and fell asleep. Everyone had dessert without me.

Aiden: Dec12th - "Its Hard Being this cute"

Well where to start. I began my travels with my nana, parents and sisters. We were heading for a 2 1/2 hour drive.. 2 hours wait at the airport and 26 hour flight through Korea, Over Japan and down the east Australian Coast... thats a long way for a little bloke like me... did you think this story would have a happy ending?
Well the ending is happy, and I met many new people .. just a little rough in the middle.
Our journey began late at night... wayyyyy past my bedtime. I decided to let my family know of my dissaproval of this upset in my schedule, so I screamed nearly the entire way to Vegas, yes... screamed a long blood curdling, mouth gurgling and sweat inducing scream. It was great, I was pretty pooped and finally fell asleep in the car.. in my defense it is difficult to sleep peacefully with fraggle rock playing on the DVD player.
So.. where was I .. oh yes I fell asleep.. and then they woke me again, yes you heard me, woke me again, the nerve.. don't these people learn their lesson?!!!
So I made my mum stand, we had a deal going, she would stand and rock me, and I wouldn't cry, fairs fair right?
My laying with my fuzzy blanket on the Vegas Airport chair. Hannah was trying to keep me happy
While we waited at the airport, a nice Japanese lady started chatting to me and playing peek-a-boo.  she also waved her hands around alot.. how did she know I loved people flapping hands in my face I don't know! So I smiled back, alot! What can I say, a face this cute was made to smile!.

They finally let us on the flight, as soon as we walked into the plane entrance a bunch of stewardesses gasped and gooed.... why don't I get this reaction at home? I could see I was in good hands.

We sat down in our chairs... I was ropable, I thought mum and I had a deal, so I screamed.. "THE" scream. well those little ladies came rushing over --awesome! My mum stood up and that was it.. I had fought it long enough, I could feel my eyes rolling in the back of my head.. it was time to sleep.

Me strapped into my little boppy and blanket cocoon. I slep with the blanket over my eyes so the lights wouldn't bother me
Next thing I knew I was waking up strapped into my boppy, not a bad way to wake up, I played a bit until we landed in Korea.
more waiting.. my mum rubbed my peach fuzz head and said this was the last part of our flying today... Great.
Me sleeping with a blanket over my eyes again.

Once again, I was treated to a captive audience of stewardesses, (sweet) after a little nap I was kidnapped into the arms of one of my stewardess friends, my mum rubbed her back and arm muscles while I chit chatted to my new friend (let's face it.. I'm no light weight -- it wsn't my fault my mum forgot to bring hte stroller).
Later on after when my mum was trying to get me back to sleep (why sleep when there are so many lights to stare at?) a little korean lady came over and started chatting... fun! then she took me from my mum... (waiiiit a minute) then she started rocking me, it appeared they were ganging up on me to put me to sleep, hummmm. Pretty soon she was walking all over the plane with me, I have no idea who she was or what she was saying to me, but she was nice.. she patted my tooshi and sung me lullaby's with words I don't know, took the bottle from my mums hands and fed me, whoever she was she had done this before!
I woke up later in my bassinet.. dog nab it.. she had gotten me asleep, that lady was good!
Me and My Nana Suzanne.
And here I am.. in Australia!

Caitlyn: Dec 12th 2011-- "Getting to Australia"

I am ready to leave for Vegas!
My adventure to Australia began on Monday. After we got home from school we got into comfy clothes because mom said we were going to be travelling a long way.
We drove all teh way to Vegas and waited in the airport to get on the flight. I fell asleep in the car, it was past my bedtime and I was tired. My dad had to wake me up to get me out of the car, we had to wait in the airport , here is a picture of me, I was tired and not too happy. Our plane didn't leave until midnight.

Finally we got on the airplane, I liked the TV on there. I could watch whatever I wanted. They gave me a bag with a blanket and books and a funny looking zebra. I watched the lion king.
I was happy once I got on the plane

I sat next to my dad, I could look out the window and see all the clouds.
It was a long time flying, we stopped in Korea and then finally landed in Australia.
Looking down on the cars from our hotel room balcony

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hannah: Day 2 "Fish n' Chips and Shell Collecting"

It was a beautiful morning, nice and sunny. 
After brekkie Liam and Ellie cam over, we played a bit and then headed out to have lunch and look at more beaches. We went to the fish n' chip shop for fresh fried fish and chips.
I am trying "Bundaberg Ginger Beer" with my Fish and Chips
 It was yummy. While we waited in the park for them to call our order number uncle Richard climbed a pine tree to get pine cones for us.
Uncle Rick up the tree.. it won't let me turn the picture.. so turn your head

We went up the coast a little and found a spit.

A "spit" is the part of land where the rivers come out and meet the sea.
Liam and I running across the spit

We collected sea shells, there were many different kinds, I love collecting shells.
We spent the whole afternoon at the beach even though there wasn't much sun and it was a little cold.

We found lots of interesting and colourful stripey shells

walking across the spit to a little sand island.

Collecting shells with Caitlyn and Ellie
Our favorite way to have beans.

We went back to nana susans and had a big dinner of stuffed pasta shells and proscuitto wrapped homegrown beans.
Oysters before they are grilled and opened

 and lots and lots of oysters that we grilled.

Oysters after they are cooked with asian sauce and fresh herbs
Liam testing an oyster
All the grown ups ate the oysters we just had a taste.
Elli trying an oyster
Stuffed Pasta, YUM!
We were so tired cate fell asleep before everyone.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hannah: Me, My Family and the Sapphire Coast

Uncle Ricky!
My family that lived in Australia picked us up.  uncle Richard ,

Playing in the warm pool, Len, Emily, Cate, Liam, Ellie and ME!
Me and Emma Boogey boarding in the pool
 After we were all dry we went inside . down stairs has two couches, a bed room , a bathroom and a kitchen.Up stairs has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a deck where you can see the beach and waves crashing on cliffs, and a bathroom. 

Dad and I eating some yummy german cookies!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hannah: December 14th ---"Arriving in Tathra"

After a good nights sleep I woke up in Sydney and packed to get ready for another plane ride. We were giong to my nanas house in Tathra, which was not far away.
We met my Aunty Stephanie, Uncle Clay, and their children at the airport. They had just arrived and they were flying back to Utah. It was fun to see them, Luke was still crazy, he makes me laugh.
We got on a tiny airplane, no tvs like the other planes. It was a short ride and we landed in Merimbula.

We drove to Tathra, my nanas house is big and pretty, it's on the ocean, it is a beach house. The garden has a fairy cave. I think it's magical, there are lots of flowers and a big lemon tree that has giant lemons. My cousin ellie and Cate started bowling with them, they got in trouble. I love Tathra. The first thing we did was go swimming in the pool.
We had a great dinner, of sausages , my mum said this was a real aussie dinner. I am happy to be here.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

HANNAH:Monday Dec 12th---"The Plane Ride"

Aiden and I waiting to get in the car to begin our adventure.
Leaving Utah
I had just got home from school I had really sore legs from the walk home that day.  My mum was cooking dinner for the very long trip we ate  pasta lots and lots of  yummy pasta.  My nana came over to drive us to the air port. She handed each of us a present. I got a coloring book, a coloring pad, journal and a coloring contest. My sister Caitlyn got a  coloring book , journal,and flash cards.We finely got in my grandma's car it had a TV inside it.We watched fraggle rock and the twelve dancing princeses.We drove up. We drove down. We drove left .  We drove right, and we finely got to Vegas.  Now all we had to do was find the right airport. We drove around  few times and then we found it.  It was raining, about to snow. Mum says it doesn't snow in Vegas but I think it was close.

Aiden and I waiting in the airport chairs
We ran into the airport.When we finely got inside the airport our plane was called Korean air we got in  line to weigh our bags.They started to weigh our bags.Me, my mum and caitlyn sat down on a bench waiting for my dad . He was still in line.when they were done weighing our bags we sat down in seats . My baby brother aiden was very tired  . But we had to keep him awake right now or he'll cry the whole flight . We finely get on the plain first class looked nice, very nice. It had huge chairs all to one person. There were big seats on the left and the right and a big tv to your self . But we wern't in first class but we had nice chairs too . We  got food on the plane I loved the orange juice. We had a midnight dinner, I had a TV all to myself so I watched some smurfs, it was after midnight so I finally snuggled up to my mum and went to sleep. Sleeping makes the trip go faster. When I woke I was still on the plane, they gave us breakfast, it was huge.
I had a window seat at first.
First Stop  Korea

You can see some hello kitty's here
We finally arrived in Korea. It was 5am in Korea, not many stores were open but we walked around the airport while we waited for our next flight. There were lots of Hello Kitty. My cousin Olivia loves hello kitty, the man in the store wouldn't let us take a picture though, sorry olivia.
We had to go through security all over again. Every time you get on a plane they check your bags and clothes to make sure you aren't dangerous. My mum said it is so people won't bring dangerous things on the flight and to protect us, its not fun waiting in lines though.

Here is a picture of me in the Korean airport. There were lots of pretty pictures, It looks like a beautiful country. Maybe next time we can stay and have a look.
This is showing some art in the Korean Museum
After another 10 hour flight we then flew over Japan, over the top of Australia, over the Great Barrier Reef, past Brisbane.. and finally we arrived in Sydney Australia. I felt relief and good that we finally got off the plane. I saw the opera house as we flew in. It was 8pm, night time and all the city lights were on. It was pretty, I liked the tall buildings. When the lights were on they looks like big flash lightsIt was so cool.we stayed the night at a hotel our room was on floor 36 it was realy high ! we found our room it was realy nice. IIII loved it no more flying till the next day. We were  excited but so tired and stinky so we showered and went to bed.
High in the sky at our sydney hotel