Monday, June 2, 2014

Treats in Bega

Treats in Bega
Today we drove to Bega, which is only about fifteen minutes away from Tathra, so it was a short drive. 
When we got there it was raining, so my nana let my sister and I borrow two umbrellas from the back of the car. We walked up the side walk stopping and looking in shops, one of my favorite stops was the bakery, they had so many yummy looking things in the windows, and my nana bought us each a treat to munch on for afternoon tea.
Aiden eating an Aussie lamington

My mum and my brothers shared a lamington, my mum also shared a chocolate eclair with my sister, I had a tart like thing that was filled with chocolate pudding. It was so sweet I couldn't eat it all and had to save half for later.
We then went to the "Reject Shop"(for those of you who were wondering yes - thats what it's actually called, very funny name)we went in there to get some more crafty things so that if it was still raining  when we got back to my nana's house we had things to do. 
After the Reject Shop, we went to a place called the "Red Cafe",
A funny weird couch on the wall of the Red Cafe
 where we snuggled and had some creamy frothy hot chocolate and orange and dark chocolate cake - it was SO delicious.  

Happiness at the Red Cafe

As always the boys needed a nap so we started heading home - on the way, we stopped by the Bega cheese factory, Bega is famous in Australia for it's cheese.  

It has beautiful rolling green hills and lots and lots of cows.
Cow road block in Bega - the cows walk across the road when it's time to get milked.

We got some funny pictures and tried lots of yummy cheeses.
Copying the mannequin

Cate the Cow Whisperer

Aiden was a natural

Seriously - count the legs on this

While my brothers had a nap I  decorated the fairy tree. The fairy tree is an umbrella shaped tree with an opening in the front, I love this tree, fairies live in it. So when I visit my Nana I like to decorate it and make it beautiful for them, today Cate and I put pretty pink flowers from the garden all over the opening.I think it turned out pretty and it was fun.
Fairy Tree Decorating Time

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