Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Off on another adventure.

Tathra has been a really nice peaceful place to be, and while we love it most of my moms family is in a city on the East Coast of Australia called Brisbane.  We could drive there from Tathra but it would take 2 days - so today we are flying off to Brisbane
It sounded really cool when mom told us that we were meeting cousins, but when I realised we had to get on another plane.... not cool - oh the trauma. The planes themselves are not bad I guess, but travelling with the Lach-Ness monster is really horrible.

We woke really early to get ready - got in the car and drove to Camberra, it took 3 1/2 hours, there are some really cool little towns along the way. We drive through the "Snowy Mountains" they were not actually snowy but thats their name. They are where they filmed a movie "The Man From Snowy River". Apparently my mom used to have a crush on the guy Jim in the movie when she was my age. hahaha. I need to see this movie.
From Camberra we flew to Brisbane. Luckily it was a short flight only 1 hour and 50 minutes. All the other times I flew  I was sitting with my mom and borthers but this time I sat on the seat across the isle from them. It was OK because I didn't really have to take care of my brothers, can you say  heavenly????? but I had to sit next to two total strangers, one of them slept with his mouth open most of the time, and I will admit I kind of nodded off as well.
We got off the plane and saw my aunty Peta waiting for us. Aunty Peta gave us big hugs and kisses and cried a little. It has been 5 years since we have seen her and I have grown up alot.
Since we all didn't fit in her car mom, Lachy and I got in a cab to drive to her house. I have only been in a cab 2 times in my life. He was really fast!.

So far Brisbane is alot warmer and bigger than Tathra. The city goes on forever. There are alot of trains, busses, and shops everywhere, it's pretty amazing.

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